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Sunday, December 29, 2013


Our small group bible study recently went through a study on the whole book of Philippians preached by Matt Chandler. I am not big on watching sermons or even listening to them. I like to be there. I like to feel the movement of the Lord. But, that was before I sat and listened to Matt Chandler. I have read through Philippians several times in studies, but never did I read it with the same intensity as when studying alongside Chandlers preaching.  The study was titled 'To Live is Christ, and to Die is Gain", for anyone who would be interested. Amazing stuff. I haven't been so convicted in, well I'm not sure when.

Anyhow, one of the things that he preached on was what "inspired" you. He described inspiration as "those moments where our souls are stimulated to a high level of feeling, thinking, and doing." He went on to encourage people to sit and think of what inspires us (mainly what inspires our affection for Christ), and to dwell on those things. To stay in those things. For at least a month, I have been trying to catch those moments where I feel encouraged, content, and plain motivated. This is my "Matt Chandler List".

1. When I read a bible verse and have to sit and think on it for a few minutes to really gather what God is saying to me.
2. Hot coffee before Savannah wakes up. Those moments of quiet with my thoughts make my day more manageable.
3. Finishing a good book and having my desire to read sparked again.
4. Completing my "chores" for the day, and looking around a clean house with hot coffee in my hand.
5. When I see something "click" in Savannahs head. The moments when I can see that she learned something. (This week it was how to count all 20 of her fingers and toes.)
6. I love hearing how my husbands testimony has helped encourage people in their walk. It reminds me that we are a team. A unit. I was there with him through the "hardest" parts of his story. I praise God for allowing me to be there.
7. A good conversation with some of my closest friends who get me. Preferably over coffee (seeing a trend here?)
8. When Zach gets incredibly excited about something he has seen, or heard, or done and wants to share it with me.
9. I want to burst with pride and happiness when Savannah uses her manners. It is a huge deal to us to raise well mannered, thankful, humble babies.
10. Feeling our babies (Savannah and Riley individually) kick around inside me. No matter what chaos I am in at that moment, it stops me. Humbles me.

So, those are my top ten. There are more I know. But, these are day to day things that I have noticed, when they occur, I am hard pressed not to smile. Hard pressed not to be encouraged. :)