Zach (in a hushed but LOUD whisper): "Courtney?.... Sweetheart... Hey, wake up"
I ignore him, because I know exactly what he wants.
Zach: "Courtney Leigh, I know you can hear me! Take the baby and put her back in her bed. She does not sleep in our bed."
Me: "She doesn't feel well, she has a fever."
Zach: "Give her Motrin and put her back to bed."
Me: "Her belly hurts!"
Zach: "Give her gripe water, and put her back to bed."
Me: "She had a nightmare!"
Zach (Groaning): "Then rock her, AND PUT HER BACK TO BED".
Me: "You're a sadist..."
Zach: "I'm sure."
Savannah wasn't sick. She wasn't hurting. And, she didn't have a nightmare. I just like sleeping with her in our bed. Zachary has never anted her in our bed, so we have never co slept. I sometimes sneak her in when he leaves for work, but that has dwindled as well. I love snuggling her, and she is at the age where she can snuggle back and will throw her little arm over me. BIG SMILE! But, she doesn't sleep well with us, she is too independent. She likes her crib and gets in the same position every night and passes out. I'm happy she likes her bed and is independent, but I feel like she is growing too fast.
At the nursery yesterday, there was a little 3 year old boy named Gideon. Savannah thought he was the bees knees because he could run around and throw toys at other children (perhaps she is the sadist...). She would crawl as fast as she could after him and try pulling up on his leg, to which he would say "NO, Nanna, you a baby! You tant pway!".... And she would turn and look at me like "MOOOOM, tell him I am not a baby, I can too play!" How do you explain to a 7 month old why she can't get up and go after the big kids?
Speaking of nursery, I started working there last night and I had a blast. I was convinced that Savannah wouldn't like me caring for other children. She is a mommas girl and used to get jealous if I held other babies... WELL, Miss Independent couldn't care less who I hold now. Which is also saddening to me. I was rocking a 6 month old and Savannah came over to see what I was doing, took one look at the sweet baby girl, and decided she had better things to do. She was content sitting in the floor, alone, talking to herself, and playing with blocks. Watching her gave me a sense of pride and I literally teared up. What a weenie I am.
Shes getting so big! Stronge her Mommy!