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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mommas Piece

Ever seen the movie "O Brother Where Art Thou?"? Sometimes, when I am frustrated with Zach or Savannah, I feel like George Clooneys wife (in the movie), Penny. I want to turn to them and say "I have spoken my piece and counted to three". Done. End of conversation. Say no more.

Daddies play the major role in family life, whether they see this or not. In traditional marriages (what used to be tradition), the man was the primary bread winner. The man is called to be the spiritual leader. Little eyes watch daddy, because he is daddy. What role does momma play?

In our house, on any given day, I wear a thousand hats. That's my role. To be whatever I am needed to be. Because of that, I get overwhelmed easily (it truly is my biggest downfall: my patience and perseverance). Sometimes, by the time Zach arrives home, I am a mess. A literal mess in that I haven't made time to shower, because during nap time, eating was more important. I am an emotional mess because Savannah as plucked every heart string (both positive and negative) that I have had that day. And, I am a mental mess. Tired.

A good portion of the time, I feel like I am not living up to my role. I feel like I stink at patience. I have asked the same thing of Zach 44949494 times, and he has forgotten two more times than that. I have told Savannah to stop climbing on the table more times than I care to count, and I find her on there more than she is anywhere else.

Today, however, an odd thing occurred. I woke up not feeling well and added to the already stressful month with my knee, I decided today, I would not wear a thousand hats. I would wear one, and that would be a plain old girl. I would care for myself, so that I could feel refreshed enough to tackle a week. So, I said to Zach how I was feeling and what I needed. He turns to me and says "Why don't you go and nap? I will take charge."

Now, let me say, I have an amazing man. I do. But, he is a man. He sometimes needs things plainly stated in black and white and for me to clearly say things for him to truly get it. Today, I did not need to say that. I simply said I was wearing out. I told Savannah to have a good lunch with daddy and be obedient, and I went to sleep.

Momma had spoken her piece and counted to three.

And guess what? I woke up and cleaned for 2 hours. JUST what the doctor ordered.

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