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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My Guy

This morning, Central Florida woke up to one of the coldest days it has experienced in years. In the nearly three years we have been here, it was the coldest day I recall. I woke up to a warm house, warm bed, and snuggled with my husband. I thought "I am so glad Zachary is working indoors today and doesn't have to be out in these winds and cold temps."

As Savannah and I got ready to leave for the day, Zach calls and says his company moved him from the shop (indoors) to Harris (outdoors, up high in a building they are constructing). He was not dressed for it, so he asked if I would bring him "a button up work shirt". Anyone who knows him knows he is not a complainer and does not really ask me for a thing. It was in the 30s and all he had on was a t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, and a THIN jacket. So, I begin to worry. I have NO idea why, because I know he can handle anything. I just hated thinking of him being in this. So, on my way to work, after dropping off Savannah, I stopped and bought him a jacket for work, a hat to cover his ears, EmergenC, and water. I was worried.

His response was so sweet, I sat and asked myself why I don't do those things more often. Go out of my way for him. Take him into consideration enough to disrupt my routine. He is the love of my life, the man I truly believe God intended on me marrying. He was designed for me, and me for him. He was humbled by my gift, and he came home (he got home before us) and did my usual afternoon chores for me.

I realized, after today, what makes marriage work. That sacrifice for one another. Holding one another higher than you hold yourself. Serving one another. Putting Gods design for your marriage before your own thoughts on what it should be. Marriage is hard. Especially when you get married at 20, move 600 miles, have a baby in a whole new state away from family, loose your best friend to cancer, and watch your husband battle an addiction that you thought would win. We have been through it. We have withstood it. Now, I stand on the other side of all of those scary things and think, "He has always been worth it."

(Go ahead and pick on me for being mushy. I love my guy. And I am THANKFUL for him)