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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Melting heart

I write about Savannah A LOT. Any new mom knows it is near impossible not to. Everyday with her is a joy, even on days like today where she refuses to naps and is into EVERYTHING. The UPS man knocked today during one of her crying jags, she was in her bed screaming obscenities at me in her baby language. It is the usual UPS man that comes, and I always answer the door with Savannah in my arms, because as I have stated over and over, if I am not with her, my house will be burned to the ground. 
Anyhow, I answer the door and he asks how little bit is, all the while she is screaming in the back ground. I say "Oh, she's peachy. Napping." He just looks at me and glances into the house and says "That is what you call sleeping??" I felt like punching him. Obviously, she isn't napping. I was trying to make light of the madness that is our house with Savannah around. 

"You can share lunch wif me, momma."

I love every minute of this madness. I am the proudest mother you can find, and her energy keeps me going. She was up from 9-1 last night, SCREAMING. When she woke up this morning, she was calling her daddy on the monitor and when I went to get her, she had her head cocked to the side with her huge goober grin on her face. Heart melting. I shared my lunch with her today, and she was so excited and proud of herself that she could eat like momma. She would watch my mouth, and chew in the same rhythm I was, with her 2 and a half teeth. Heart melting. 

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